Thursday, October 28, 2010

Political comedy and polymaths

In preparing for my imminent re-arrival into Australia (yes, I'm coming home, sorry I've been a bit remiss in mentioning this, and hooray!) and probable re-employment in some government related position, I've been reading a bunch of Australian blogs and columnists.

My most recent favourite discovery is Ben Pobjie. His recent column seems somewhat fitting for For Battle: EXCLUSIVE: Red-hot Excerpt from John Howard's memoir, "Lazarus Rising"
Especially if you are a fan of racy fiction about recent Prime Ministers. However, don't blame me if you get nightmares... Or want to stab your eyes out with a fork half way through the article...

(for what it's worth, Tony Blair DID write something akin to this in his recently released memoirs, which has had commentators over here in stitches and provided much fodder for derision)

Ben also does a weekly summary on The Drum, which has had me giggling every time.

Finally, I've discovered David Horton, who describes himself as a polymath (as did Douglas Adams and Stephen Fry), and seems to be a breath of fresh air. His blog is worth following, and a recent Drum article on addiction was just lovely.

It's lovely to be engaged in current affairs and opinion again. I suspect this confirms that coming home is the correct decision. Bring on Summer!

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Lemming childer

Oh the cute, it burns

Little boy German Little Girl German
Pattern sheetWanna know more?
I've built a doc with all the specs but have nowhere to upload it (and google docs doesn't like my format)
Drop me a line and I'll flick it across to you.

Sunday, October 03, 2010

So who gives a frac?

The purveyors of these fine classic frac biscuits do. Thanks to my mysterious importer of amusing goods....