Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Turkinator vs. Santa Vaca

Folk gathered at the Tops and Mouse house after a day of moving stuff in the Tops and Mouse house and moving stuff to the Meg and Snerg house.

Above we have those ribs I raved on about earlier; tandoori on the left and kecap manis and garlic on the right. Also some meat burgers up the end and lentil burgers in the middle (for the vego, hi Tina). Notice how I analy formed all the burgers in an egg ring?

But, whose is the hand that flips the burgers? A serious question indeed!

'Tis none other than the G-Man himself, with Mr Snerg obviously paying a great deal of attention to the process. Thank you G-Man!

And here's the crew sitting around the fire. Thank you Mr Stig and little Alex for building such a lovely warm fire!

And thank you all for just being generally cool, helpfull, friendly people.

The result:

Turkinator 1
Santa Vaca 0

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