Agatha Christie: Sparkling Cyanide, Hickory Dickory Dock, The Hollow, Cat Among the Pigeons, The Pale Horse.
Peter Corris: The January Zone, Deal Me Out.
Frances Fyfield: The Nature of the Beast.
Ngaio Marsh: Swing, Brother, Swing; Last Ditch, Grave Mistake.
Barbara Nadel: Petrified.
Barbara Vine: King Solomon's Carpet.
Margaret Yorke: The Cost of Silence, Mortal Remains.
And because I have never read it: John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath.
All are paper backs and vary from reasonable to good condition. We also got a few magazines and Charlie found one on Steam Trains which he bought because he associates them with Thomas the Tank Engine. Total cost: $50.50. Bargain.
Unfortunately due to low tolerance of book fairs by our children we weren't able to spend hours browsing as we'd have like to. But still the next one is in Autumn so we can plan ahead.
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