Saturday, September 29, 2007

Uncanny, It what i have been bitching about for years.
I need to add Head Jacks, Zepplins and Living on the Moon

This T-shirt i need. Title ' This Is How The World Ends'
Threadless...oh and this one
and many others.
Anyone need anything, let me know. Can buy and ship in exchange for Mint Slices.

Mount & Blade

For all you gaming geeks out there, check this out: its a medieval warfare game that does a nice job of putting a bit of skill into the combat and simulating some of the finer details, without bogging down into unplayability. Things like actually having to parry, and where your sword runs into the badguy making a difference. Their mounted combat is particularly nice. Whats more, you can download the demo for free and play it well long enough to get a good feel for it, and if you decide to buy it it costs you a mere US$22. I think I'll be buying it.

We now return you - and your slightly less geeky non-gamer compatriots - to your regularly scheduled religious peanut butter debate (huh? Man those guys are weird...)

Friday, September 28, 2007

Peanut Butter: Innocent Victim or Willing Conspirator?

You decide.

Pretty Lady Friday

Andrew's post reminded me to tell you about Brenda's Babes.

Brenda is known tangentially to me through a friend in Chicago, Phineas. She has an amazing collection of vintage pin-up, the pictures are great and she fills out the historio-artistic background.

This incidentally is one of the reasons (there are lots) why the whole "cult of the amateur" snobbery about blogs is so ill-conceived -- I have access now to expertise on topics I never even knew existed, pre Web 2.0. I've also been enjoying Mad Men (which will be on free TV in Australia, like, never so get downloading) so overall am really grooving to that 50s/60s aesthetic.

The reason behind the blog is to mobilise teh innertubes to vote for Brenda in a competition to win USD20,000. Watch her video. If you feel inclined you should VOTE -- unless you feel inclined to vote for one of the others in which case you absolutely under no circumstances should vote. Either way, go look at the pretty laydeez anyway.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

One Laptop Per Child

is a cool project that I'm sure I've mentioned on here before. Because the project is great.... and because I want one! Well they've announced that they are in fact going to make them available; you buy two, keep one and donate the other. Woot! Apparently its going to happen in November, for North America only. Now most of you dont live in North America, but you know someone who does - if anyone is really keen let me know and we'll see what we can do.

What is this addiction you speak of..

So, I've discovered amusing webcomics.
I believe it started with megzz post about Home on the Strange, which lead me to Questionable Content and Something Positive .
I then discovered Sheldon and Perry Bible Fellowship.
It was then a short link from my warcrack guild's forum to Dark Legacy and Looking For Group.
One of them mentioned Ryan Estrada and I got told about GU.
I thought that I was done, but no! I've now found PvPonline.
I'm so doomed!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lifeline Book Fair haul

Agatha Christie: Sparkling Cyanide, Hickory Dickory Dock, The Hollow, Cat Among the Pigeons, The Pale Horse.

Peter Corris: The January Zone, Deal Me Out.

Frances Fyfield: The Nature of the Beast.

Ngaio Marsh: Swing, Brother, Swing; Last Ditch, Grave Mistake.

Barbara Nadel: Petrified.

Barbara Vine: King Solomon's Carpet.

Margaret Yorke: The Cost of Silence, Mortal Remains.

And because I have never read it: John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath.

All are paper backs and vary from reasonable to good condition. We also got a few magazines and Charlie found one on Steam Trains which he bought because he associates them with Thomas the Tank Engine. Total cost: $50.50. Bargain.

Unfortunately due to low tolerance of book fairs by our children we weren't able to spend hours browsing as we'd have like to. But still the next one is in Autumn so we can plan ahead.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

How It Should Have Ended

These guys are very funny, and I wanted to show you this one, but I'm afraid I was hijacked by this one (and sos my wife.)

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Neil Gaiman novel turned movie = a must-see, probably plus dinner and wine.
And I am so sad to be on the wrong side of the planet to see it with you lot.

Feast your eyes...

and just cos she's so gorgeous...

I can't wait!

and thus it starts...

I was updating my calendar today and realised that we are perilously close to the end of the year which means free weekends are becoming a scarcity (sp?)

So I propose the following...
Sat 24th November for Turkey Day the directors cut. Daen will add authenticity to the event with his passport from the nation of turkey-worship and I think I may have conned megzz & snerg into holding it at their house.


Sat 15th December for Torby's second birthday (well real just an excuse to come over and eat fairy bread and burn meat.

mark them in your diaries now peoples (and let me know what else is planned)

I really liked this sign off...

This is from a blog I came across today while blog surfing. Unfortunately he stopped posting in June, and has deleted most of his posts. But it just tickled me the way he explained himself, and I'd love to know what Nigel did.

"It's one thing to run out of interesting things to say - but what if you didn't have anything interesting to say in the first place?

Writing this blog has felt a bit like that over the past three and a bit years. I've showcased my ignorance, my naievety, my prejudices, my desires. I've straddled the fine line between famewhoring and anonymity like a confused puppy, and had to deal with the consequences.

I have grown up through this blog and learned many things about myself through writing it (then going back and judiciously editing). But walking away is long overdue. I'm not impressing anybody by continuing, and there is no point in doing so. This blogging caper has run its course, for me at least.

Why? This isn't fun, challenging or exciting anymore. And I don't feel what I've written here previously is representative of who I am today. Hence, I've deleted most of the posts.

I'd like to apologise to any people I've bewildered or offended over the years - except Nigel. He can still go and fuck himself."

Reminder from Tina.

Book Party

We are having a book party to celebrate Dafydd's first novel- Eaglehawk
It will be held at Banjo Books Unit 4/ 2 Oxford St Epping 2121
Sunday the 14th of October from 2-4pm.
This is after the Star gazing event, we are trying not to clash.
If you are interested in coming or would like to get a copy of the book then leave an RSVP at before the 25th of September.

(and it's a nice cafe too...)

Who _are_ these people, and where are they hiding the cameras?

Another one for the "Why are they writing about us" file...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

New recipe for world peace...

How good one feels when one is full – how satisfied with ourselves and with the world! People who have tried it tell me that a clear conscience makes you very happy and contented; but a full stomach does the business quite as well, and is cheaper, and more easily obtained. One feels so forgiving and generous after a substantial and well-digested meal – so noble-minded, so kindly-hearted.

It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs. We cannot work, we cannot think, unless our stomach wills so. It dictates to us our emotions, our passions. After eggs and bacon, it says, “Work!” After beefsteak and porter, it says, “Sleep!” After a cup of tea (two spoonfuls for each cup, and don’t let it stand more than three minutes), it says to the brain, “Now, rise, and show your strength. Be eloquent, and deep, and tender; see, with a clear eye, into Nature and into life; spread your white wings of quivering thought, and soar, a god-like spirit, over the whirling world beneath you, up through long lanes of flaming stars to the gates of eternity!”

After hot muffins, it says, “Be dull and soulless, like a beast of the field – a brainless animal with listless eye, unlit by any ray of fancy, or of hope, or fear, or love, or life.” And after brandy, taken in sufficient quantity, it says, “Now, come, fool, grin and tumble, that your fellow-men may laugh – drivel in folly, and splutter in senseless sounds, and show what a helpless ninny is poor man whose wit and will are drowned, like kittens, side by side, in half an inch of alcohol.”

We are but the veriest, sorriest slaves of our stomach. Reach not after morality and righteousness, my friends; watch vigilantly your stomach, and diet it with care and judgment. Then virtue and contentment will come and reign within your heart, unsought by any effort of your own; and you will be a good citizen, a loving husband, and a tender father – a noble, pious man.

From “Three men in a Boat”, Jerome K. Jerome, Chapter 10.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

We're in a historical society aren't we?

In the ABC news site the other day...
The Defence Department is urging war veterans and historical groups to write in and tell them why they deserve a free decommissioned Leopard Tank.
End quote
A life-time supply of bottle tops will be given to the best letter in response. O. And a tank.

I went to Ikea to get a spare rat...

As you do.

And got really excited by all the new soft toys!

There was a polar bear and a hippo and a big elephant. And a hedgehog and baby, and a fox with baby, and a giraffe.

I was seriously tempted to buy one of everything, but I limited myself to a set of three little mice.

Too cute!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Burwood Festival

This sunday.

Come eat greek honey cakes and fairy floss and watch the model boats.

It's tradition now I'm sure!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ampersand Duck tells it like it is

sister, you rock.

carry on, and don't forget to enroll and/or update your details!


here's the current GetUp Enrollment Campaign -

Voting Is The Best Revenge! "The Federal Government has passed extraordinary legislation that will close the rolls for new voters at 8pm on the very night the election is officially called - known as issuing a writ. Last Federal Election, the AEC received a total of 423,975 enrolment cards in the week between the announcement and the close of rolls. 78,816 of those were new enrolments. But this time people won't get that chance."

and this is the direct link from the Australian Electoral Commission's website where you can check your enrollment details -

I have always believed it is both a privilege and a duty to have the right, and the opportunity, to vote. don't waste yours!

/rant :-)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Remember that cunning plan I had...?

That one I had last year....about making a quilt for the sprog. And there was an update here.

Well, I'm determined that it will be finished before sprogling turns 1.

I love it when a plan comes together. I've been sewing together all the bits I have... and here's a picture.

You might notice a few gaps... like H, K, M, N, P, U, V, Y and 3 spare squares (probably will be birth stats and the numbers pi and e)

If you were assigned one of these missing squares, you officially have one month to get it done or else I'll give it to someone else or just do it myself. The letter U was completed but is M.I.A. Apparently it went to Fight Club and was never seen again. Could people please have a look for it if you can?

I'll contact all the relevant people personally to remind them but I thought everyone else might like to see how it's coming along.

The Mexican guac-off

Hoorah for Destructomeg & Snerg! They let us invade their place and smear it with avocado. Here's the photographic evidence:

More salsa than you can poke a stick at (salsa on a stick - new marketing idea anyone?), many tortillas and corn chips later and thanks to Ob & Coz for chili stuff (on behalf of everyone who went near it as opposed to us chili cowards cowering in the corner).
More public holidays for visiting dignitaries should be declared!
PS: Thanks also to Speedy - the techno-doovy-whatsit worked this time round...

The Prodigal Son

Last weekend Garfunkel didn't come home. We waited a couple of days, in case he'd been locked in accidentally and then started looking for him. We couldn't see him and were suspecting the worst. On Thursday I printed out some little missing posters for him, but didn't get around to putting them in the neighbours mailboxes until today. My last stop was the neighbours immediately next door and as I got out of the car, my neighbour walked over to chat. I greeted him and told him we had lost a cat again (he was the one who told us where he'd seen Attila on the side of the road) and had he seen him. "What colour" he asked, so I described Garfunkel. "Come with me" he said. By this time his wife had joined us. "Oh, he's been living with us for a week" she laughed. My neighbour came out of his house with our cat in his arms and put him in the car. Turns out he'd been spending his days around with the neighbours, sleeping on all the beds, going outside with their cat and coming back at night. Rotten sod. Several times I had a feeling that he'd been sleeping on Charlie's bed but I told myself that I was imagining things because he was probably gone. I also hoped that he'd maybe gone a bit feral and was sneaking in for food during the day while we were all out. I suspect now that he was.

He is microchipped. But neither the vet nor the pound could get a reading off it. The RSPCA said sometimes it happens, which doesn't help much. So now he has a lovely red collar and will soon have a tag with his name, address and phone number on it. I did consider getting him a diamente collar in the hope that he would be too embarrassed to go outside, but at $4.92 I suspect the diamentes would have fallen off pretty quick.

So he is back home now, I can stop feeling guilty that I adopted him and not someone who would have kept him inside, and will be staying in for at least another week. I do wonder if eventually he will just keep returning to the neighbours place and we will end up handing him over. We will see. At least we will know he has a good home. And the moral of the story: talk to the neighbours. If we'd told them we had a new cat when we went to borrow an egg we would have saved ourselves a week of misery.

Friday, September 07, 2007

A Walk in the Woods

Keep wishing we could bring you lot along on one of our walks in the woods, so...

This is a set of photos strung together, one taken every 10 paces of a walk up the hill. Its a bit spastic, but it gives you the general idea. And then it needed music - I wanted Wish You Were Here, but thats about 5 minutes too long and our CDs havent arrived yet. This ones a good un too, and just about the right length.

Rob Needs

Shamus passes on an amusing meme: Enter "yourname needs" into Google - with the quotes - and check out the top 10 results. Apparently, Rob needs:

1) a hero.
2) Rob's Hardhat, item of the week at The Rob Store - The place to get all your Rob needs.
3) therapy.
4) a job.
5) a job he really loves.
6) a professional profile on LinkedIn, in the name of Rob Needs.
7) help.
9) medicine.
10) Most of all Rob needs Jesus. Rob needs a BREAKTHROUGH in the Spirit !!!

...well there ya go. Google doesn't know everything then.

Monday, September 03, 2007

We need to have a BBQ this friday!

It's a long weekend. Therefore there should be a BBQ.

I don't care who runs it... I'll do it if no one else wants to.

But there should be a BBQ!

Nerding it up

I was forwarded some random junk at the office which looked kinda cool but then I had to know if it was real and if I could get one. I think I have to have one of these:
There's no choice really. Looks like you can get it at ThinkGeek and iwantoneofthose.